Data Dict


Gnomon Data Dict Data is a python dictionnary. The corresponding class in gnomon is gnomonNumpyDataDictData. The key is a string and the value can be a int, string, bool, float or a numpy array. If it’s a numpy array the dimension has to be <= 4 and the type needs to be NPY_INT or NPY_DOUBLE.

Default reader plugin

The reader of data dict form is gnomonDataDictReaderJson. It loads a Json file as a dictionary.
This reader supports one extension json.

Default writer plugin

The default writer of data dict form is gnomonDataDictWriterJson

Gnomon Data Dict Example

Gnomon Data Dict illustration Image

Plugins which take Data Dict as input

Here is an algorithm which take this form as input.

  • cellSuperpositionTracking

Plugins which produce Data Dict as output

Here is an algorithm which produce Data Dict as output.

  • registrationTimagetk

A Use Case, Registration

import logging
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np

from dtkcore import d_inliststring, d_real, d_int, d_string

from gnomon.utils import algorithmPlugin
from gnomon.utils.decorators import dataDictOutput, imageInput
from gnomon.utils.decorators import imageOutput
from gnomon.core import gnomonAbstractImageRegistration

from timagetk.algorithms.blockmatching import blockmatching
from timagetk.algorithms.trsf import apply_trsf
from timagetk.tasks.registration import consecutive_registration
from timagetk import MultiChannelImage, SpatialImage

@algorithmPlugin(version="0.3.1", coreversion="0.81.1")
@imageInput("_in_img", data_plugin="gnomonImageDataMultiChannelImage")
@dataDictOutput("_out_img_transform_dict", data_plugin="gnomonNumpyDataDictData")
@imageOutput("_out_img", data_plugin="gnomonImageDataMultiChannelImage")
class registrationTimagetk(gnomonAbstractImageRegistration):

    def __init__(self):

        self._in_img = {}
        self._out_img = {}
        self._out_img_transform_dict = {}

        self._parameters = {}
        self._parameters['channel'] = d_inliststring("Channel", "", [""], "Signal channel on which to perform the temporal registration")
        self._parameters['method'] = d_inliststring("Method",  "rigid", ["rigid", "affine", "vectorfield"], "Method for the image registration : rigid, affine or deformable (vectorfield)")
        self._parameters['estimator'] = d_inliststring("Estimator", 'wlts', ['wlts', 'lts', 'wls', 'ls'], "Transformation estimator")
        self._parameters['pyramid_lowest'] = d_int("Pyramid lowest", 2, 0, 4, "Lowest level at which to compute deformation.")
        self._parameters['pyramid_highest'] = d_int("Pyramid highest", 5, 1, 5, "Highest level at which to compute deformation.")
        self._parameters['elastic_sigma'] = d_real("Elastic sigma", 1, 0, 3, 1, "Transformation regularization, sigma for elastic regularization (only for vector field). "
                                                   "This is equivalent to a gaussian filtering of the final deformation field.")
        self._parameters['fluid_sigma'] = d_real("Fluid sigma", 1, 0, 3, 1, "Sigma for fluid regularization ie field interpolation and regularization for pairings (only for vector field). "
                                                   "This is equivalent to a gaussian filtering of the incremental deformation field.")

        self._parameter_groups = {}
        for parameter_name in ["estimator", "pyramid_lowest", "pyramid_highest", "elastic_sigma", "fluid_sigma"]:
            self._parameter_groups[parameter_name] = 'advanced'

        self.__doc__ = consecutive_registration.__doc__

    def run(self):
        self._out_img = {}

        imgs = self._in_img
        imgs = [imgs[time] for time in imgs.keys()]"nb imgs in imgs: " + str(len(imgs)))
        if 'channel' in self._parameters.keys():
            registration_imgs = [deepcopy(img.get_channel(self['channel'])) for img in imgs]
            registration_imgs = [deepcopy(img.get_channel(img.channel_names[0])) for img in imgs]

        reference_imgs = registration_imgs

        for time in range(len(imgs) - 1)[::-1]:

            transform = blockmatching(floating_image=registration_imgs[time],
                                      # params=self['extra_args'],
            reference_imgs[time] = apply_trsf(registration_imgs[time], transform, template_img=reference_imgs[time+1])

  "transform: " + str(transform))

            temp_output_images = []
            for channel in imgs[time+1].keys():
                if ('channel' in self._parameters.keys()):
                    temp_output_images.append(apply_trsf(imgs[time].get_channel(channel), transform, template_img=imgs[time+1].get_channel(channel)))
                    # self._out_img[0][""] = registered_img

            self._out_img[time] = MultiChannelImage(temp_output_images, channel_names=imgs[time].keys())
            self._out_img_transform_dict[time] = {}
            self._out_img_transform_dict[time]["transform"] = transform.get_array().astype(float)

            if time == len(imgs) - 2:
                self._out_img[time+1] = imgs[time+1]
                self._out_img_transform_dict[time+1] = {}
                self._out_img_transform_dict[time+1]["transform"] = np.eye(4)