

A gnomon Mesh is a data structure modelling the geometry of a biological object using smaller discrete elements. It consists in a set of topological elements (typically polygonal or polyhedral) built upon a list of points. The embedding of the points in the 3D space is what defines the resuting geometry of the object. The default data classes implementing Mesh in gnomon are gnomonMeshDataStdVector relying on c++ vector containers, and gnomonMeshDataPropertyTopomesh using the mesh implementation provided by the cellcomplex Python package.

Default reader plugin

The default reader for mesh forms is gnomonMeshReaderPropertyTopomesh that reads .ply files representing 3D meshes written in the (ASCII) Polygon File Format.

Gnomon Mesh Example

Gnomon Mesh illustration

Plugins which take Mesh as input

Here is a non exhaustive list of some algorithms which take this form as input.

  • meshSmoothingCellcomplex

  • isotropicRemeshingCellcomplex

Plugins which produce Mesh as output

Here is a non exhaustive list of some algorithms which produce this form as output.

  • imageSurfaceMesh

A Use Case, Smoothing a mesh

from copy import deepcopy

from dtkcore import d_int

import gnomon.core
from gnomon.utils import algorithmPlugin
from gnomon.utils.decorators import meshInput, meshOutput

from cellcomplex.property_topomesh.optimization import property_topomesh_vertices_deformation
from cellcomplex.property_topomesh.analysis import compute_topomesh_property

@algorithmPlugin(version="0.2.0", coreversion="0.81.1")
@meshInput('mesh_in', data_plugin="gnomonMeshDataPropertyTopomesh")
@meshOutput('mesh_out', data_plugin="gnomonMeshDataPropertyTopomesh")
class meshLaplacianSmoothingCellcomplex(gnomon.core.gnomonAbstractMeshFilter):
    Apply an iterative laplacian smoothing to a mesh.


    def __init__(self):

        self._parameters = {}
        self._parameters['iterations'] = d_int('Iterations', 10, 1, 100, "The number of steps in the optimization process")

        self.mesh_in = {}
        self.mesh_out = {}

    def run(self):
        self.mesh_out = {}

        for time in self.mesh_in.keys():
            in_topomesh = self.mesh_in[time]
            out_topomesh = deepcopy(in_topomesh)

            omega_forces = 
            if self['method'] == 'laplacian':
                omega_forces['laplacian_smoothing'] = 0.33
            elif self['method'] == 'taubin':
                omega_forces['taubin_smoothing'] = 0.65

                omega_forces={'laplacian_smoothing': 0.33},
            for degree in [1, 2, 3]:
                compute_topomesh_property(out_topomesh, 'barycenter', degree)
            for degree in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
                positions = out_topomesh.wisp_property('barycenter', degree)
                for k, dim in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']):
                    out_topomesh.update_wisp_property('barycenter_'+dim, degree,
                                                      dict(zip(positions.keys(), positions.values()[:, k])))

            self.mesh_out[time] = out_topomesh